Why Art is Important to a Community

Communities with access to art benefit from an enhanced quality of life and it is our mission to provide that for the Aberdeen area. Art not only brings energy and creativity but also shapes the culture of our community. Schools have been called upon to invest in STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and math – to encourage innovation. It’s been widely acknowledged that this approach misses a key component – the arts. Creative people approach problem solving differently and bring a unique perspective to the table. Our community needs artists, architects, designers and writers as much as it needs scientists, engineers and technologists. Exposing young and old to art cultivates the creative minds our community needs.
How You Can Support the Arts
Support from individuals and businesses have allowed us to annually expose over 40,000 people of all ages and walks of life to the arts. Without continued support it will be challenging to offer these opportunities in our area. For as little as $30 you can support the work of the Aberdeen Area Arts Council. Your contribution will help area children experience the creativity, excitement and educational value of the arts. Your support also assists us in keeping our events affordable for all.
We know you love the Arts, and we kindly accept your support , here are our suggested funding levels:
- Prelude $30
- Broadway $50
- Symphony $100
- Encore $250
If you are a part of a business or know a business that would be an ideal sponsor, a business level sponsorship would also include the following:
$2,500 – Rembrandt Partner
- 8 reserved tickets to events
- Listed in event programs with logo
- Acknowledged on website with logo and link to your website
- Sponsor educational outreach opportunity – each child attending is given a flyer listing you as a sponsor of the outreach opportunity
$1,000 – Shakespeare Partner
- 6 reserved tickets to events
- Listed in event programs with logo
- Acknowledged on website with logo and link to your website
$500 – Maestro Partner
- 4 reserved tickets to events
- Listed in event programs
- Acknowledgement on our website

Become an AAAC Member
Membership starts at $20 for students with options for family memberships and opportunities to be a significant contributor.
All memberships entitle you to:
- Reduced ticket prices on all events
- Preferred seating at general admission events
- Email reminders of upcoming events
- Advanced ticket sale opportunities

Consider Sponsoring an Event
Enhance the quality of life in our community by sponsoring an event. Not only will the children and our community benefit, so will your business.
All event sponsorships entitle you to:
- 10 reserved tickets to events
- Your logo on all marketing materials, including the front cover of the event program
- Listing on website with logo and link to your website
To sponsor an event, please contact the AAAC office at 605-226-1557 or artscouncil@nvc.net.

Support for Future Generations
In addition to annual support, consider including a gift to the Aberdeen Area Arts Council Endowment Fund in your will or living trust. Just a few sentences can help ensure art opportunities for future generations. Your gift can be made as a percent of your estate or by specifying an amount. We understand circumstances may change and you’re not actually making a gift until after your lifetime so you can change your mind at any time. Please email us for more information.

Volunteer Your Talents
We are a small team and always looking for volunteers who can help support our mission. Whether you want to help our staff in the office or usher audience members to their seats, we have a number of opportunities available. Our board is also very active and plays a vital role in the mission of the AAAC. If you have an interest to serve on the board or within a committee please contact the office at 605-226-1557 or artscouncil@nvc.net.