Promoting Arts in Our Community

About AAAC About AAAC

Organized in 1967, the Aberdeen Area Arts Council (AAAC) is funded through memberships, the City of Aberdeen, grants from the SD Arts Council, and other grants. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life through the arts by initiating, sponsoring and encouraging art opportunities and promoting the arts through education in the Aberdeen area. We serve six counties in northeast South Dakota – Brown, Spink, Day, Edmunds, Marshall and McPherson.

A 501c(3) organization, the AAAC promotes arts in our community by hosting varied programming, co-sponsoring the ARCC Dance program, sharing information about each month’s events through radio, newspaper and Facebook and facilitating meetings of those involved in the arts. We also work closely with South Dakotans for the Arts to keep current on arts advocacy issues.

Programming presented annually includes events such as Arts in the Park, Winterfest, Storybook Land Festival, Storybook Land Theatre, and the Membership Extravaganza. Please visit our AAAC events page for a list of all upcoming AAAC events and our Area Arts Calendar for all arts events in the community.


AAAC Membership

Join the AAAC

Our generous sponsors make our mission possible.

Join us in promoting the arts in our community.


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AAAC Staff

  • Jason Hill, Executive Director – Email
  • Grace Chipman, Administrative Assistant – Email


AAAC Board of Directors

Lucas Quail, President– Inventory Control Specialist, Midcontinent

Katrina Schnabel, Vice President  – Human Resource Manager, Kessler’s Food and Grocery

Brad Olson, Secretary/Treasurer – Director of Finance – Sanford

Angie Cleberg, Past President– Communication & Impact Coordinator, United Way

Rachael Cramond – Business Counselor, Grow SD

David Eckert – Supervisor – Aberdeen Recreation & Cultural Center

Tara Engquist – CPA/Partner, Eide Bailly

Jay Hopkins-Entzel – Curatorial Assistant – Exhibits, Dacotah Prairie Museum

Angela Huff – Administrative Assistant

Josh Phillips,  – Graphic design, photographer – Production Monkeys

Heather Scott – Instructor of Psychology/Department Chair, Northern State University

Art Agencies