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If you missed the exhibitor guidelines, you can find them here.

Arts in the Park – Art & Craft Application 2025

  • We communicate via email using the email ArtsInThePark@nvc.net. Be sure to check your spam/junk email.
  • Vehicle Information

  • Art Exhibition Description

  • Be specific (material, technique, process used, etc.) Note: Use of manufactured items in conjunction with your handcrafted products must be noted i.e purchased components used with handmade beads.
  • This information will be used by our panel of experienced artists and crafters who will jury your application to ensure we create a show with variety between the various art forms. They will also review your written description as well as your submitted photos.
  • Photos of Work

    You must submit a minimum of 7 current images. a) 5-8 images representative of all work to be displayed at Arts in the Park. b) 1-2 images of your work area showing your creative process c) 1 image of your booth space. Please email photos to artsinthepark@nvc.net
  • Display Space & Fees

  • Note, this is non-refundable.
  • Each booth is 12′ x 12′. Double booths are 24′ wide x 12′ deep.
  • Single booth – $150, double booth – $300.
  • An additional fee of $10 per space will be charged for any booths requiring electricity (110 volts only). Booth spaces with electrical access are limited to booth numbers 1 – 17. These spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • There are no guarantees or promises regarding preference for space locations or the filling of any kinds of requests. But if it’s possible, we will be happy to accommodate.
  • $175.00
  • All information provided in this application is true and correct. I have read the Rules, Regulations & Information document and agree to abide by said rules and regulations. I will conduct myself, and will inform any persons associated with my booth to conduct themselves, in a professional manner with respect to my neighbors, volunteers, Arts in the Park staff, and those in authority. I fully understand that if the Arts in the Park committee finds fault with my product or conduct, I will correct it or voluntarily leave without refund. I certify that the items I will display and sell are produced by me, my family or staff. I grant permission to the Arts in the Park staff to use my images for publicity purposes without compensation. I understand I am totally responsible for my exhibit, including (but not limited to) the method of display, set-up, selling and takedown. I understand that once I have been reviewed and accepted, my entry fee is non-refundable. I also understand that any proceeds derived from sales will be entirely my own, and I am entirely responsible for collecting and reporting the state and city sales tax. The undersigned, being an exhibitor or concessionaire authorized to operate a business or concession stand during Arts in the Park in Melgaard Park, Aberdeen, SD, hereby waives and agrees to hold the City of Aberdeen, the Aberdeen Area Arts Council, Aberdeen Parks, Recreation & Forestry, staff members, volunteers or private property owners harmless from any and all liabilities, causes of action or claims that may be incurred on behalf of any of my employees, agents or myself in conducting my business during the time authorized for the Arts in the Park, June 14-15, 2025. I hereby waive any and all claims, causes of action or damages that I may have against the City of Aberdeen and the Aberdeen Area Arts Council by virtue of my participation in the Arts in the Park in Melgaard Park, Aberdeen, SD, except for intentional acts or gross negligence.